“You don’t want to be penny-wise and pound foolish. … The cost of fighting wildfires and reconstruction afterward far exceeds the prevention costs,” Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) said.
READ MORE about the fires in Arizona
Falling Behind with Your Forest Thinning?
Consider a more manageable shorter term goal.
Start a Community Fuelbreak!
Fuelbreaks are accessible strips of thinned forests in which fuel density is reduced, thus improving fire control opportunities.
Fuelbreaks can aid firefighters greatly by slowing fire spread under normal burning conditions.
Fuelbreaks are making a difference in Arizona, right now! (read the article above)
Your previous defensible space and beetle control work may help in creating an effective community fuelbreak.
If your property is included in a Community Wildfire Protection Plan, there may already be ideal areas for fuelbreaks identified for your area!
Read more about Fuel Break Guidelines -
For help getting started cotact::
Your local Colorado State Forest Service Forester
Your local Community Wildfire Protection Plan committee